Past Sponsors
- Westside Church of God
- The Ethics Center at Fresno State University
- Fresno City College
- Fresno Pacific University
- Community United Church of Christ
- Temple Beth Israel
- American Friends Service Committee-Pan Valley Institute
- Bodhi Oak Zen Sangha
- First Congregational Church of Fresno
- Fresno Pacific University Biblical Seminary
- Fresno Pacific University, Department of Biblical and Religious Studies
- Human Rights Coalition of the Central Valley
- Islamic Cultural Center of Fresno
- Interfaith Alliance of Central California
- Jesuit Community of Fresno
- Memorial United Methodist Church of Clovis
- Peace and Conflict Studies, Fresno State University
- Roman Catholic Bishop of Fresno
- St. Anthony of Padua Roman Catholic Church, Fresno
- St. James Episcopal Cathedral
- St. Paul Catholic Newman Center
- Second Church of Christ, Scientist
- Sikh Council of Central California
- Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno
- Wesley United Methodist Church
- Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization
- Central Valley Partnership
- College Church of Christ
- Council on American-Islamic Relations
- Faith in the Valley
- Fresno Buddhist Temple
- Fresno State University, College of Arts and Humanities
- Fresno State University, Department of Philosophy
- Fresno State University Foundation
- Hope Lutheran Church
- Mennonite Central Committee
- Mennonite Community Church
- Muslim Spiritual Care Services
- New Thought Community
- St. Patrick’s Community Church
- Saint Rest Baptist Church
- Sophia’s House
- United Christian Church of Fresno
- United Japanese Christian Church
- University Presbyterian Church
- Women’s International League of Peace and Freedom
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